Kibuye Hope Hospital and Hope Africa University are working toward real, lasting change in Burundi.
Although the work done today changes lives and takes one step toward a more hopeful tomorrow, a thousand steps are needed for permanent improvement. Real and lasting change takes long term planning and long term investment. Please consider making a planned gift to Kibuye Hope Hospital or Hope Africa University.
A gift planned in your will benefits Kibuye Hope Hospital, and can also benefit you and your family. Many areas have extensive tax deductions and freedoms on gifts given from estates, and options like a gift annuity can supply you with a fixed income while caring for the patients of Kibuye and the people of Burundi.
Here are some of the most common types of Planned Gift:
Bequest: A bequest is simply a line in your will leaving some of your assets to HAU and KHH. Sample bequest language is available at the Free Methodist Foundation’s site.
Charitable Gift or Trust: These are plans whereby your gift of money or assets is turned is given to the ministry. The ministry then gives you an income out of your gift for the rest of your life. These can also take the form of income to your family.
Life Estate Gifts: A life estate plan is a plan whereby you give your house or other real estate to HAU and KHH in your will.
The Free Methodist Foundation has extensive experience with charitable estate giving and a plethora of resources for people considering making a gift in their will. These resources can help resolve your concerns, give you guidance about what sort of language your lawyer may recommend and help to make sure that your money goes exactly where you want it.
Please contact The Free Methodist Foundation for more information.