Hope Africa University offers quality education in 27 fields with 30 available degrees, including six masters degrees. Students are well prepared to be active and advancing in their chosen profession. The education is based in a liberal arts background, exposing students to a wide range of ideas, and teaching them important lessons about the way that they think and the assumptions they make. This liberal arts background is coupled with an emphasis in leadership, preparing the students to make changes for the better wherever they go.
A diverse student body, with students from twelve countries, prepares students to operate in a wider world. All students come into the university speaking at least English or French, as well as one other language (and often more!). Classes are taught in English and French, and tutoring and remedial instruction are available to assure fluency. This is another step in training students to operate professionally in a multinational context. Close interaction with people of other cultures and ethnicities is especially vital for preparing students to work to create and maintain peace in their home countries, as ethnic tensions have often been a source of violent conflict, even in these student’s personal experiences.
To further the goal of creating educated professionals who will be salt and light wherever they go, HAU requires students to attend chapel services six days a week and to take some basic Bible classes. Professors and campus leaders work to prepare students to integrate their education into their faith and to shine in the professional arena. Part of this is hands on experience and internships.
HAU has many professional training opportunities. The most prominent of these is in the medical program. Medical students spend time serving at the Van Norman clinic (attached to the university) and Kibuye Hope Hospital. Kibuye Hope Hospital is a growing mission hospital in rural Kibuye. It serves twelve clinics from over a tenth of the country, helping to heal the sick and injured of Burundi. Students come to Kibuye prepared to assist the doctors and nurses working there. They serve, learn, grow, and exit fully prepared for entering the medical profession as servants of Christ. HAU is a vital part of the KHH mission, providing support and resources, as well as furthering the ministry of healing by helping to train badly needed doctors.
Learn more about Hope Africa University and its unique situation.